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DappRadar Dapp Industry Review in Q2 2020

In the second quarter of 2020, the total transaction volume of all agreements reached US$12 billion. There are many ways to measure the state of the blockchain industry. At DappRadar, we are tracking daily active wallets, transactions, and transaction volume. This data provides us with a window into the operation of each individual blockchain and the broader dapp ecosystem.
The situation in the blockchain world in the first half of 2020 seems very optimistic. Judging from the total number of daily active independent wallets, the 13 blockchains listed on DappRadar already have more than 70,000 daily wallets. The main activity occurs in the first three blockchains: Ethereum, TRON and EOS.
In the second quarter of 2020, the total transaction volume reached US$12 billion. This is an increase of US$4.5 billion from the first quarter of 2020. The Ethereum blockchain accounts for 82% of the total value created, most of which belong to the DeFi ecosystem.
Although Ethereum has achieved substantial development, EOS and TRON have followed closely and have been developing, and their daily activity increased in the second quarter of 2020. Thanks to the promotion of certain gambling dapps, WAX and ThunderCore have increased their user bases respectively.
At present, the competition between Hive and Steem continues to be fierce, and recently Hive has taken the lead in the number of daily active independent wallets.
Summary chart of Dapp market share of each blockchain in the second quarter of 2020
Important points Even in the case of rising fuel prices, Ethereum is still the most important blockchain. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the value of the blockchain has increased by US$4.5 billion in the second quarter of 2020.
TRON is trying to diversify its dapp product portfolio by adding DeFi to the blockchain. However, 80% of the activity still falls into the gambling and high-risk categories.
In the fourth quarter of 2019, due to the depreciation of EIDOS tokens, the daily active independent wallets on EOS were lost. EOS seems to begin to recover in the second quarter of 2020, with growth dominated by two games: Upland and Crypto Dynasty.
The competition between Hive and Steem continues, but the migration of the popular Steem game Splinterlands and other games that migrated to Hive in June 2020 gave Hive an advantage.
Other outstanding results in the second quarter of 2020 are WAX ​​and ThunderCore. The current growth is driven by gaming dapps.
The first step in Ethereum's mass adoption
Game and market
Gambling and high risk
Encrypted Collectibles
in conclusion
TRON's first step to create a DeFi ecosystem
Gambling and high risk
Game and market
in conclusion
Is the EOSEOS era over?
Game and market
Gambling and high risk
in conclusion
Other protocols Hive and Steem
Ontology (ontology)
VeChain (VeChain)
From a high-level perspective, Ethereum has proven to be a crucial year for the Ethereum and DeFi ecosystem. First of all, Ethereum 2.0 is expected to be launched in 2020, which may not only trigger a surge in the price of Ethereum, but also increase the adoption rate of public chains.
In addition, Reddit, which has 430 million users, will become an important blockchain entry with the launch of a pilot project of a reputation system based on Ethereum. However, among all these positive factors, there have been some major events regarding growth and security in the DeFi and DEX fields.
From the perspective of protocol currency pricing, ETH is still the second most powerful cryptocurrency. But prices are still very unstable. We have already witnessed its price exceeding US$300 and suddenly dropping to around US$110 in March 2020. On the other hand, compared with the average price in the first half of 2020, we have observed a price increase of 11%.

Another important aspect of the Ethereum blockchain is the price of fuel. Different from previous quarters, fuel prices in the second quarter of 2020 have remained high. The game category was the most affected. The increase in fuel prices resulted in an 80% reduction in daily activity.

Overall, from the perspective of daily activity, Ethereum has dropped by 15% compared to the first quarter of 2020. As mentioned above, this decline is mainly caused by the game category, with daily active independent wallets dropping from 10,000 to 2,000.
Despite this, there are still very positive signs in DeFi and DEX, which reached nearly 5,000 and 4,000 wallets active at the end of the second quarter. With this in mind, we see that the growing DeFi and DEX ecosystem can make up for the loss of the game category.

Ethereum: DeFi is as expected. So far, 2020 is a year of DeFi development and volatility. The main events that have occurred in 2020 are:

* Black Thursday in March 2020.

* Security events: Uniswap,, Curve, etc.

* Bitcoin has increased its participation in DeFi projects and other tokens linked to BTC.

* Compound's token COMP has become a DeFi unicorn and has brought the rise of Yield farming (liquid mining).
Judging from these facts alone, we can conclude that 2020 is a very important year for DeFi. In addition, it is also important to review the other main indicators in this category.

The first thing to consider is the number of daily active wallets.
At the beginning of 2019, we hardly saw 200 active wallets in this category. By the end of the first quarter of 2020, we saw about 1,500 active wallets, and by the end of the second quarter of 2020, there were about 4,000 active wallets. The year-on-year growth was about 500%, and the quarter-on-quarter growth was about 200%.
This means that in just six months, DeFi has become the third largest category in Ethereum, accounting for 24% of the total active volume.
Most DeFi dapps have grown in terms of activity, but the biggest growth comes from the COMP token issued by Compound. Almost 45% of the activity in the DeFi category belongs to Compound, with a quarter-on-quarter growth of 1000%.
Ranked second is Synthetix, which has 550 daily active wallets, and the third is 1inch, which has about 490 daily active wallets. In all major DeFi dapps, the number of daily active wallets has changed significantly year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter.

The second metric to look at is the value of DeFi. There are many ways to measure DeFi's activity from a value perspective. In DappRadar, we calculate the transaction volume.
Looking at the transaction volume of DeFi, we can find that DeFi already holds 11 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. This is 2.5 times the full year of 2019. This indicator shows that the DeFi category grew by 1410% year-on-year, and the quarter-on-quarter growth was 150%. From the perspective of this indicator, we find that the DeFi category is not only the first major category, but also accounts for 80% of the value of the Ethereum blockchain in the second quarter of 2020.
On the other hand, you can usually view the status of DeFi from the perspective of total locked value. When looking at DeFi Pulse's dapp loan data, we found a significant increase. As of the end of the first quarter of 2020, the total locked-in value (TVL) has surged by 140%, reaching $1.2 billion by the end of the second quarter of 2020.

All in all, we have witnessed a huge increase in the number of daily active wallets, transaction volume, and total locked value. This makes us understand that DeFi is not only the largest category on Ethereum, but also drives value growth.
Ethereum: DEX decentralized exchange plays an important role in the development of Ethereum, and is an important part of Ethereum's DeFi ecosystem. Using the new DappRadar OpenData, we can track Uniswap, IDEX, 0x, Kyber, Oasis, Bancor and Airswap transactions and the number of traders in the past 30 days.

By the end of the second quarter of 2020, Uniswap, IDEX, 0x, Kyber, Oasis and Bancor have all achieved strong growth. However, when looking at these 7 DEX dapps, the number of traders increased by an average of 50% compared to the second quarter of 2019, and compared to the first quarter of 2020, the number of traders increased on average in the second quarter of 2020 Up 22%. DEX ranks second in the daily activity contributed to Ethereum, accounting for 25% of the total.

In terms of the transaction volume of the above DEX dapp, we can see that the second quarter of 2020 has increased by 146% compared to the second quarter of 2019, and compared with the first quarter of 2020, the second quarter of 2020 has increased by 39% .

After the Black Thursday event in March 2020, we observed a sharp increase in DEX trading volume in the second quarter of 2020. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, dapps such as IDEX, Uniswap, 0x and Bancor increased by 144%, 109%, 44%, and 112%, respectively.
On the other hand, we observed that compared to the second quarter of 2019, the transaction volume of major dapps such as Kyber and Uniswap increased by 220% and 624%, respectively, in the second quarter of 2020.
Ethereum: Games and markets as a category, games and markets have always been the driving force behind the development of the Ethereum blockchain. But in the second quarter of 2020, we witnessed a sharp drop in daily activity, with a quarter-on-quarter decline of 79%. As stated in DappRadar's overview of Ethereum games, Ethereum's high fuel costs have affected the activity of the game category.
By the end of the second quarter of 2020, this category has 2,000 active wallets, down from 10,000 in the first quarter of 2020, which means that compared to the first quarter of 2020, this category has dropped in the second quarter of 2020 79%. Compared with the second quarter of 2019, this category has fallen by 65% ​​in the second quarter of 2020.
The most affected dapps are all active dapps in this category. Such as My Crypto Heroes (My Crypto Heroes), Blockchain Cuties (Blockchain Cuties), Knight Story (Knight Story) and Brave Frontier Heroes (Brave Frontier Heroes).

In the second quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of this category was only 6.7 million U.S. dollars, the lowest in the last three quarters. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, transaction volume has fallen by 26%. On the contrary, if compared with the second quarter of 2019, the transaction volume increased by 10%.

Ethereum: Gaming and high risk In the second quarter of 2020, compared with the second quarter of 2019, the number of daily active independent wallets in this category increased by 135%. In terms of contribution to the daily activity of Ethereum, this category ranks first, accounting for 32% of the total.

The growth in the second quarter of 2020 is due to the large number of daily active independent wallets interacting with high-risk dapps (such as HEX, Forsage, etc.). In the second quarter of 2020, the number of high-risk dapps on DappRadar running on Ethereum increased to 73, while in the first quarter of 2020, the number of high-risk dapps on DappRadar running on Ethereum was only 23.
In the first and second quarters of 2020, the number of gaming dapps running on Ethereum on DappRadar increased from 11 to 18.
As reported in a recent report on high-risk dapp HEX, high-risk dapps are showing explosive activity. The report explains how the number of daily active independent wallets grew to more than 1,000 from mid-April to May. As of June, HEX activity seems to have stabilized.
Forsage is another major growth dapp. During April 2020, the number of daily active independent wallets increased significantly, reaching 1,000 by mid-April. As of now, there are 2000 independent wallets active daily.
Therefore, if we look at the transaction volume, we will find that compared with the second quarter of 2019, the transaction volume in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 65%, and compared with the first quarter of 2020, the second quarter of 2020 increased by 201 %.

The substantial increase in transaction volume in the second quarter of 2020 was mainly due to the fact that HEX, Forsage and accounted for 56%, 12% and 12% of the total transaction volume respectively. It is observed that compared with the first quarter of 2020, the daily activity and transaction volume of gaming dapps in the second quarter of 2020 will decrease.
The second quarter of 2020 is the best season for high-risk dapps, with 73 new dapps released. The data for the third quarter of 2020 may be higher than the second quarter of 2020. We will wait and see.
Ethereum: Collectibles is the category of collectibles. Compared with other categories, the Ethereum collectibles category is still relatively small. During peak hours, the number of daily active wallets does not exceed 200. Nevertheless, compared with the first quarter of 2020, daily activity in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 50%.

In terms of transaction volume, compared with the first quarter of 2020, this category has grown by 150% in the second quarter of 2020 and by 13% compared with the first quarter of 2019. The only dapp that caused an increase in daily activity and transaction volume was CryptoPunks.
In May 2020, CryptoPunks generated USD 344,000 in revenue in just 7 days, which clearly shows the growth of the collectible category. The total value of collectibles in the second quarter of 2020 is 1.5 million US dollars, of which dapp Cryptopunks generated 1.2 million US dollars, so we can conclude that it accounts for 84% of the total collectible transaction volume in the second quarter of 2020.
The sudden growth of CryptoPunks proves that the collectible category has very valuable potential, and we can expect it to become one of the main categories that will promote the value and activity of Ethereum in the future.

Ethereum: Conclusion In summary, for Ethereum and the DeFi ecosystem, 2020 will be a critical year. There are some major events that have made us realize that Ethereum is becoming more important.
If we look back at the past six months of 2020, we can conclude that the DeFi and DEX categories have promoted the growth of the Ethereum blockchain. However, it turns out that governance tokens that join the cryptocurrency family (such as COMP and BAL) are also powerful tools to promote the growth of this category.
Contrary to the DeFi ecosystem, gaming activity has declined due to rising fuel costs. This should reiterate the importance of ETH 2.0 and the value that the value chain can bring to ensure that the game category on Ethereum can have a healthy future.
TRONTRON is one of the most interesting protocols, but not only from the perspective of dapps. The public relations activities of the TRON Foundation and Justin Sun seem to be very eye-catching. You can easily find regular announcements about the TRON Foundation, including controversial comments.
On the other hand, from the perspective of big data, TRON will face some major changes during 2020. The biggest change is the release of Tron 4.0 and an attempt to enter the DeFi field. Simply looking at the daily activity of the blockchain, it seems that TRON attracts the most daily active wallets.

The price of TRX faces great fluctuations. Of course, things have two sides. Optimistically, according to CoinMarketCap data, TRX is still among the top 20 cryptocurrencies. On the negative side, compared with 2019, the price of TRX dropped by an average of 41% in the first half of 2020.

TRON: DeFi Since the last few days of December 2019, the DeFi category on TRON has been very active and has begun to weaken the dominance of Ethereum.
It is observed that in the second quarter of 2020, the growth of the DeFi category on TRON is only driven by 3 dapps: JUST, Zethyr Finance and In 2020, daily active wallets will increase from 74 to 796. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the second quarter of 2020 increased by 976%.

The main contributor to the increase in daily activity is, which is very similar to the Compound Finance dapp running on the Ethereum protocol. was released in April 2020. It currently has 564 daily active independent wallets, which means that it accounts for 71% of total activity.
Daily activity is not the only part of growth. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of this category in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 17,210%. In the fourth quarter of 2019, it made $53,000 in just 7 days. The transaction volume in the first quarter of 2020 was $78,000. Interestingly, in the second quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of this category has risen to $13.6 million.

TRON: DEX In the field of blockchain, decentralized exchanges (DEX) achieved remarkable growth in the second quarter of 2020. However, if we carefully observe the growth of exchanges on TRON, we will discover its problems. In the second quarter of 2020, only 19 dapps of the exchange category tracked by DappRadar are running on TRON, of which only 8 dapps are active (any dapp with 1 or more daily active independent wallets) .
The daily activity and trading volume of exchange-like dapps on TRON have declined. In the second quarter of 2020, the number of daily active independent wallets will not exceed 2,000; by the end of the second quarter of 2020, the number of daily active independent wallets will be 1900.
At the same time, if we look at the data in 2019, we can see that the number of wallets is 3,200. Compared with the second quarter of 2019, the daily activity of this category in the second quarter of 2020 has decreased by 42%. However, compared with the first quarter of 2020, we can see that the daily activity in the second quarter of 2020 has increased by about 20%.

From the perspective of transaction volume, it is very obvious that TRON's DEX category has declined month by month. The transaction volume of the DEX category in the second quarter of 2020 may only account for a quarter of the transaction volume in the second quarter of 2019, which may be due to the decline in the value of TRX. Compared with the second quarter of 2019, the transaction volume in the second quarter of 2020 has fallen by 76%, and compared with the first quarter of 2020, it has fallen by 9%.
As mentioned earlier, only 8 dapps are active, of which only one dapp (TronTrade) performed well this quarter in terms of transaction volume and daily activity. TronTrade's transaction volume is 17 million US dollars, accounting for 70% of the total transaction volume, accounting for 911 out of 1915 daily active independent wallets.

TRON: Gaming and high-risk gambling and high-risk dapps have played an important role in the growth of TRON throughout the year, and it is also the largest category on TRON. To date, DappRadar has tracked 494 dapps in the TRON category. Among the 494 dapps, there are 221 gaming dapps and 273 high-risk dapps.
Next, we look at the number of active dapps (any dapp with 1 or more daily active independent wallets) in this category, and we will find that there are only 97 active dapps in the second quarter of 2020, and the number of active dapps in 2019 There were 105 active dapps in the second quarter.
Compared with the second quarter of 2019, the number of daily active independent wallets in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 39% through these 97 active dapps. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the data for the second quarter of 2020 did not show any major changes. The increase in daily activity is driven by dapps such as RocketGame, WINk, BeeHive Fast and Tron Cash.

Although in the second quarter of 2020, daily activity has increased. However, in the second quarter of 2020, TRON's transaction volume was only a quarter of that of the second quarter of 2019.
Compared with the second quarter of 2019, the transaction volume in the second quarter of 2020 fell by 70%, and compared with the first quarter of 2020, the transaction volume fell by 15%. The decrease in transaction volume was caused by WINk, because WINk generated only US$113 million in the second quarter of 2020, and in the second quarter of 2019, it created nearly US$598 million.

TRON: Only 54 game dapps tracked by Game DappRadar are running on TRON, of which only 25 dapps are active. The game category dapp in the second quarter of 2020 faces the same situation as the second quarter of 2019, which means that compared with the first quarter of 2020, the daily activity in the second quarter of 2020 has dropped by 24%.
The reason for the decline is obviously due to TRON Racer and Blockchain Cuties (blockchain cuties). In the first quarter of 2020, they had 824 and 195 independent wallets respectively, but by the end of the second quarter of 2020, TRON Racer was inactive (there was not an active independent wallet), and every block chain's cute pet The number of daily active independent wallets decreased to 81.
ChainZ Arena is the only game that has made a significant contribution to the survival of the game category. The game is a cross-chain game, which has been launched on the Ethereum and EOS blockchains. The daily activity of this dapp accounts for 40% of the daily activity of the TRON game category.

As shown in the game transaction volume chart, the second quarter of 2020 performed better compared to the first quarter of 2020. It is going through a stage similar to the previous season's daily activity. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of this category has increased due to the same dapp: ChainZ Arena, which created 1.2 million US dollars in transactions. the amount.

TRON: Conclusion As mentioned earlier, TRON will face major changes in 2020, such as the upcoming release of version 4.0 and the attempt to create a DeFi ecosystem. As for DeFi, TRON, as usual, seems to be trying to replicate the successful dapp that already exists on the Ethereum blockchain.
Gaming and high-risk categories are still the largest category on TRON. It has 80% of TRON active and 16,500 daily active independent wallets, and this situation will not easily change in a short time.
We will focus on TRON DeFi and further category development in the third quarter of 2020, and can't wait to see how they develop this year.
Before EOS enters 2020, it is necessary to understand the history of EOS. The EIDOS token was released in early November 2019 and then caused a large-scale airdrop. The airdrop occupies most of the EOS blockchain resources, causing serious network congestion. This is disastrous for the entire EOS dapp ecosystem.
Due to the events that occurred in November last year, the daily activity of EOS decreased sharply. If you look at the year-on-year data, the number of daily active independent wallets decreased by 53%, from nearly 40,000 in the second quarter of 2019 to 17,000 at the end of the second quarter of 2020.
The downward trend of EOS token price is also obvious. On average, compared with the same period in 2019, prices in the first half of 2020 have fallen by 33%. In any case, it seems to be fairly stable in recent months, with token prices averaging around $2.25.

Despite the negative news mentioned above, there is still positive momentum inside the EOS blockchain. The number of newly submitted dapps has increased in two categories: gaming and high-risk categories, and games and marketing categories. In the second quarter of 2020, a total of 16 new dapps were submitted, an increase of four from the previous quarter.
In addition, the number of daily active independent wallets in the gaming category seems to be recovering. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the number of active independent wallets increased by 34% quarter-on-quarter, which to a certain extent also promoted the growth of the EOS blockchain in the second quarter of 2020.

EOS: Games and Markets As far as independent wallets are active daily, games and markets are the largest category on EOS, accounting for 50% of the total activity. The roller coaster trend may continue in early 2019 until now. On the other hand, a combination of recent trends shows that daily activity increased by 18% at the end of the second quarter of 2020.
This growth is driven by two dapps-Crypto Dynasty and Upland. The crypto dynasty currently runs on two blockchains, EOS and Ethereum. On the EOS version, its daily activity has increased by 25%, reaching approximately 4500 daily active users every day.
Another dapp driving EOS growth is the virtual property trading game Upland. The game was released in early 2020. At present, the number of independent wallets active daily on the dapp has reached 2500, and with the continuous improvement and update of the game, this number will continue to grow in the future.

From a value perspective, there are two dapps worth mentioning. One is ChainZ Arena, with a transaction volume of nearly 70,000 US dollars, accounting for 50% of the total category transaction volume. The second is the crypto dynasty, an increase of 18% over the previous quarter, with a transaction volume of $701,198.

EOS: Gaming and high-risk gaming and high-risk categories are the second largest category on EOS, accounting for 13% of daily activity. Contrary to games and markets, gaming and high-risk categories seem to have peaked in 2019.
This category attracts most of the active users on the EOS blockchain. Although we now see some peak days in the second quarter of 2020, it does not seem to return to the level of the second quarter of 2019. The dapp that attracted the most active users during the quarter was Dice.

The same situation also occurs in transaction volume. In the second quarter of 2020, the same Dice dapp will again promote growth. In fact, both the number of active wallets and the transaction volume seem to be more manipulative than the generally observed development. This convinces us that some manipulation of user data does exist.

Unconventional trends usually indicate a situation of human manipulation

EOS: DeFi It seems that the current DeFi trend has also appeared on the EOS blockchain. A project called VIGOR has emerged, which defines itself as a market agreement for token lending and custody.
The platform uses VIGOR as collateral to borrow EOS. Since the platform itself was launched in May 2020, it is difficult to say how it will affect the entire EOS blockchain. Essentially, the VIGOR dapp seems to have many similar functions to the MakerDAO of the Ethereum dapp.

EOS: DEX According to the year-on-year data, the EOS exchange category is another category that has fallen. However, compared with the first quarter of 2020, the number of daily active independent wallets in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 10%. This is mainly driven by the activity on Newdex and WhaleEx.

The same is true when observing the trading volume of the EOS exchange. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the transaction volume of Newdex and WhaleEx increased by 176% in the second quarter of 2020.

EOS: Conclusion At the end of 2019, EOS encountered a serious network congestion problem, resulting in a decrease in activity, and this trend will still exist in the first quarter of 2020.
Finally, in the second quarter of 2020, we saw some positive factors within the blockchain. Compared to the highs observed in the second quarter of 2019, almost all categories have declined. The only exception is the growing category of games, which is mainly driven by two of them: Upland and Crypto Dynasty.
This allows us to understand that the growth we currently observe on EOS is only based on a small number of dapps, so this growth state is fragile. Let us look forward to the changes in the third quarter of 2020 EOS.
Before Hive and Steem conduct data analysis, it is important to understand the background of Hive and Steem. Steem was acquired by the TRON Foundation, a move considered by many to be an unwelcome hostile acquisition.
The acquisition itself caused some members of the Steem community to hard-fork Steem's code and create the Hive blockchain. This is why the Hive protocol was born in March 2020. Since then, many successful dapps have moved from the Steem blockchain to the Hive blockchain.
From the perspective of token prices, the recent prices of Hive and Steem are very similar. However, Hive seems to have pushed the price of tokens up by 11% recently. On the other hand, due to the high market capitalization, Steem ranks higher on CoinMarketCap: Steem token ranks 83rd, while Hive token ranks only 92nd.

Observing the number of daily active independent wallets on Hive and Steem will find an interesting phenomenon, because the two protocols of Hive and Steem are facing the migration of major dapps, such as dapp Spinterlands. The daily active users of this dapp are 6000 pcs. As a result, we found that the number of active independent wallets on Hive increased by 213%, while the number of active independent wallets on Steem decreased by 23%.
As we have reported in the Hive and Steem reports, Spinterlands is not the only dapp that has migrated to Hive. Another dapp Esteem, which has about 500 independent wallets active daily, also migrated. In addition, with the launch of Hive Blog and Peaked, Steemit Blog dapp has been successfully copied on Hive.

In short, the competition between Hive and Steem continues. However, if the current trend continues, the final winner is obvious. Although Steem has made many attempts to increase users, Hive seems to have taken root in the blockchain industry and successfully acquired users.
WAXWAX is based on the EOSIO SDK and will be released at the end of December 2019. To date, DappRadar has tracked 39 dapps on WAX. Most of them are dapps in the practical category, which are classified in other categories.
Gaming and gambling are two other categories that are currently active on WAX. The most popular dapps are gaming dapp Prospectors and gaming dapp EarnBet. Prospectors has 2000 independent wallets that are active daily, while EarnBet's active data is very unstable. At peak times, there are 2500 active independent wallets every day.
Overall, compared with the first quarter of 2020, the number of active independent wallets on the WAX ​​blockchain increased by 76% in the second quarter of this year, and this increase was mainly attributable to the dapp EarnBet for gaming.

ThunderCore currently only 19 dapps tracked by DappRadar are running on ThunderCore, but despite this, the ThunderCore protocol has seen an increase in daily activity. As we discussed in the first quarter of 2020 report on ThunderCore's recovery issues. With the development of the ThunderCore protocol, now in the second quarter of 2020, we can say with certainty that it succeeded.
Compared to the second quarter of 2019, its daily activity in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 92%. At this point, if we observe and compare the growth since the first quarter of 2020, we will find that ThunderCore active data is in a state of positive growth (from 617 active independent wallets to 2,629). Compared with the first quarter of 2020, the second quarter of 2020 increased by 326%.
ThunderCore's daily active independent wallet is affected by gaming dapps and gaming dapps. For example, since the release of dapp Serious Dice, its active independent wallets have increased by more than 5000%, and similar growth can be seen in the game dapp Galaxy Blocks. Its daily active independent wallets have increased by 3000%.

There are 47 dapps tracked on IOSTDappRadar running on the IOST protocol, of which gambling and gaming dapps are the most active. Among the more active dapps are XPET, IOST Ball and Virus Battle. The total number of daily active users is between 150 and 450.
However, compared with the second quarter of 2019, the overall daily activity in the second quarter of 2020 decreased by 64%. But on the contrary, compared with the first quarter of 2020, we can see an increase of 6%. In this context, if IOST wants to achieve a breakthrough, the rest of 2020 will be very critical.

Compared with protocols such as EOS, TRON and Ethereum, BORA is completely different. It claims to operate purely in the gaming field, calling itself "mobile first" and providing blockchain game services.
BORA is headquartered in South Korea, and it cooperates with game developers who have successfully launched mobile games. This is a novel way of cooperation. Overall, the games that BORA plans to integrate with its blockchain technology currently have more than 50 million players.
DappRadar started tracking the BORA dapp at the end of May 2020. According to the data we observed, the growth rate is slow. Peaks occurred on June 1 and 2, with 216 and 105 active independent wallets each day. This is because a BORA version of the dapp game called Seven Guardians was launched and widely promoted.
For the blockchain, it is still in its infancy, and we will wait and see whether BORA can realize its ambitious growth plan and bring millions of users to the blockchain game.

Ontology (Ontology) In terms of daily activity in the second quarter of 2020, Ontology is facing a very difficult period. We can observe that compared with the first quarter of 2019, active data has dropped by 95%.
The two most popular dapps on the ONT blockchain are HyperDragons Go (云斗龙) and HyperSnakes; both dapps are from Chinese developer MixMarvel. Since February, their respective user numbers have seen a cliff-like decline. As of June 2020, Yundoulong has only 108 daily active independent wallets, while HyperSnakes has zero users.

There are 24 dapps running on the Waves blockchain tracked by WavesDappRadar. Since the fourth quarter of 2019, the agreement itself has experienced ups and downs in data fluctuations. In the second quarter of 2020, the number of daily active independent wallets dropped by 38% compared to the first quarter of 2020. However, we can see that compared with the second quarter of 2019, the second quarter of 2020 still has significant growth.
The dapp that drives data growth and user activity on Waves is Neutrino Protocol. This is a DeFi product, which is roughly similar in function to MakerDAO. Users can lock collateral (WAVES tokens are used here) to generate stable currency USDN. Users can earn interest by staking their USDN.

VeChain (VeChain) By the end of the second quarter of 2020, only 8 dapps tracked by DappRadar are currently running on VeChain, and only 3 of them are active (showing more than 1 daily active user).
Having said that, only dapp Vexchange (26 daily active independent wallets) made a significant contribution to the agreement.

NEO In the first quarter of 2020, NEO, a China-centric agreement, launched some new dapps. However, in the second quarter of 2020, we can see that these new dapps did not play a big role. Compared with the first quarter of 2020, daily activity still dropped by 78%.
In the first quarter of 2020, dapp NeoFish quickly became popular, but by the second quarter of 2020, this dapp has been inactive. The only dapps with active users on NEO are Switcheo Network, Nash and Blockchain Cute Pets. They are currently the main dapps that keep the NEO blockchain active.


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In all the publicity about ETH 2.0, there are some reasons that developers may be worried. The project has a long-term development timetable, and full implementation may still take more than two years. Even so, after many delays so far, it still seems uncertain. At the same time, the second layer solution is touted as a fix for Ethereum's documented scalability platform. In early June, Vitalik Buterin tweeted that the layer 2 solution was “essentially successful” and only for people involved in projects where the use of the platform contradicted his claims. Could the ETH 2.0 transition lead to the decentralization of Ethereum? Vitalik Buterin can hardly be blamed for trying to succeed for Ethereum. However, from the developer's point of view, it is far from reassuring to hear that the short-term solution of Ethereum's scalability has not yet achieved the desired effect, and the long-term solution is not yet ready for implementation. Now, the latest news seems to be that eve

DappRadar: Ethereum's ecological DApp activity is still far ahead in 2019

Blockchain DApp In addition to Ethereum, is the development of other public chain DApps active? Take a look at the 2019 DApp industry report released by DappRadar. Original title: "DappRadar 2019dapp Industry Report"  Author: DappRadar Ethereum is still the most important smart contract blockchain. In 2019, the daily user base of its dapp ecosystem increased by 118%, and daily transaction volume increased by 166%. Ethereum is also the only blockchain that has successfully developed dapps in four main categories (DeFi, exchanges, games, gambling, and high risk) so far. The performance of dapps on the EOS blockchain is severely affected by congestion caused by EIDOS token network spam. This resulted in a 48% reduction in daily user activity. The TRON dapp ecosystem grew strongly in the first half of 2019, but then showed a decline. Overall, its user base has grown by 93%, mainly in gambling and high-risk areas. In 2019, there are no other emerging smart contract blockchains to


SOL、PRQ和AVA的價格飆升,此前一個關鍵的交易指標顯示,“Alteason”已經到來, BTC升至52,000美元 。 隨著比特幣價格上漲至52,000美元ALTCOIN手錶,這3枚替代幣大幅上漲。 更廣泛的加密貨幣市場在9月9日顯示出走強的跡象。 6比特幣多頭在51,500美元水平上爭奪控制權。 替代幣受益於比特幣的強勁表現,許多比特幣的漲幅超過20%,台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的Alteason指標繼續表明,市場狀況正在向替代幣進一步上漲的方向傾斜。 24小時價格變化最大的7枚硬幣。 來源:台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro和TradingView的數據顯示,過去24小時內漲幅最大的是綠洲網絡的ROSE、Parsiq的PRQ和Travala的AVA。 綠洲網絡與API3合作。 綠洲網絡是一種區塊鏈協議,具有隱私增強功能,為開放金融和負責任的數據管理創建了一個安全平台。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的VORTECS™得分數據在9月9日開始檢測到玫瑰的看漲前景。 1,在最近的價格上漲之前。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH獨有的VORTECS™評分是對歷史和當前市場狀況的算法比較,這些數據來自一系列數據點,包括市場情緒、成交量、最近的價格走勢和推特活動。 VORTECS™得分(綠色)VS玫瑰價格。 來源:台灣 買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro。 如上圖所示,玫瑰的VORTECS™得分在9月9日攀升至果嶺。 1,並達到76的高點,大約82個小時後,它的價格在接下來的兩天裡飆升了135%。 玫瑰價格的突然上漲發生在9月1日之後。 3宣布,該項目已經與API3合作,並將共同發起一項贈款計劃,供希望構建Rust版本的協議Airnode服務的開發團隊使用。 Parsiq引入了訂閱模型。 基於區塊鏈的分析平台Parsiq在過去24小時內看到其PRQ Token的價格上漲了51%。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的VORTECS™得分數據在9月9日開始檢測到PRQ的看漲前景。 5,在最近的價格上漲之前。 VORTECS™分數(綠色)與PRQ價格。 來源:台灣買USDT /B