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DappRadar: Ethereum's ecological DApp activity is still far ahead in 2019

Blockchain DApp In addition to Ethereum, is the development of other public chain DApps active? Take a look at the 2019 DApp industry report released by DappRadar.
Original title: "DappRadar 2019dapp Industry Report"
 Author: DappRadar
Ethereum is still the most important smart contract blockchain. In 2019, the daily user base of its dapp ecosystem increased by 118%, and daily transaction volume increased by 166%.
Ethereum is also the only blockchain that has successfully developed dapps in four main categories (DeFi, exchanges, games, gambling, and high risk) so far.
The performance of dapps on the EOS blockchain is severely affected by congestion caused by EIDOS token network spam. This resulted in a 48% reduction in daily user activity.
The TRON dapp ecosystem grew strongly in the first half of 2019, but then showed a decline. Overall, its user base has grown by 93%, mainly in gambling and high-risk areas.
In 2019, there are no other emerging smart contract blockchains to show the continued use of dapps.
1. Overview of Dapp ecology in 2019 There are many ways to measure the success of the blockchain field and the individual blockchains below it.
At DappRadar, we believe that the best measure of success is the vitality of the dapp ecosystem on each blockchain.
Given that the dapp industry has just started, we don't expect the dapp ecosystem to become the main reason for the success of the blockchain, but at this initial stage in 2019, we hope to see a little future that the dapp industry will flourish and eventually promote the blockchain Signs of development.
It is against this background that our first annual report is freshly released.
In terms of structure, the focus of this report is the dapp ecosystem of Ethereum.
As the first smart contract blockchain, Ethereum has great reference value in terms of the number of dapps deployed in 2019, the depth of the development community, and the growth of users and value.
In terms of overall data in 2019, the daily active independent wallets in the Ethereum dapp ecosystem increased by 118%, and the daily transaction volume increased by 166%.
Ethereum is also the only blockchain that has successfully developed dapps in four main categories (DeFi, exchanges, games, gambling, and high risk) so far.
Of course, this does not mean that Ethereum is an ideal blockchain for dapp development. Ethereum's sharp increase in fuel costs in September shows that dapps running on the blockchain are still vulnerable to systemic factors.
However, for the Ethereum dapp ecosystem, 2019 was a very successful year, which can be seen from the explosive growth of the DeFi industry highlighted by many Reddit news.
Now, based on the results of DappRadar's new token tracking analysis, we estimate that the daily value of its dapp ecosystem (in terms of cumulative daily token throughput) has now exceeded US$10 billion.
The two rivals of Ethereum, however, are not optimistic for EOS and TRON.
Although EOS and TRON have been labeled "Ethereum Killer" by many people, they are still working hard to expand their user base and increase the value of dapps.
However, the often mentioned technical advantages of their entrusted proof-of-stake method in terms of transaction time and transaction throughput proved to be problematic.
The situation of EOS is not very good. Since November 1st, EOS has suffered severe network congestion, which seems to be a deliberate DDOS attack. Two months after the launch of the EIDOS token, the daily activities of most categories (though not all categories) of EOS dapp still maintained a strong downward trend.
In addition to the mysterious cancellation of the highly anticipated charity dinner between founders Justin Sun and Warren Buffett, TRON's Reddit news in 2019 has also decreased.
However, despite the strong growth in the total number of daily active independent wallets on TRON dapps from January to December, all major TRON dapps showed signs of decline in the second half of the year.
The data shows that although many TRON dapps (from games to exchanges and gambling dapps) were in good shape when they were launched, most of them failed to maintain their audience. As it turned out at the beginning of the year, the TRON dapp will be mainly used for gambling until the end of 2019.
Of course, there are many other smart contract blockchains, all of which are in different stages of development and deployment, and all have strict plans for future success.
Currently, DappRadar tracks dapps on 11 blockchains, and more blockchains will be added in 2020. By then, we will see which of these emerging technologies will achieve breakthroughs.
In this report, we also briefly introduced some of these competitors.
2. Ethereum: From the perspective of the whole year, looking at it now, you will find that 2019 is a year that Ethereum promises a lot but achieves very little.
From the perspective of agreement and final price, the excitement about the successful deployment of the Constantinople hard fork and the recovery of the price of ETH by $200 (a short increase of $300 during the year) proved to be short-lived.

Istanbul (Istanbul) hard fork was successfully completed in December, but did not have a major impact on the price in the first time, which made Ethereum bulls hope for the upgrade of Serenity (previously known as Ethereum 2.0). The upgrade will begin to deliver Ethereum 2.0 in the first quarter of 2020, but it may not be fully completed until 2022.
For those who are not concerned about the price of ETH, Ethereum is still good. Despite the price drop in November, the daily transaction volume for the entire year of 2019 has increased by more than 200%.
Other positive aspects include the Tether stablecoin's almost complete transition from its original Omni incarnation (running on the Bitcoin blockchain) to the ERC20 variant of Ethereum; transactions will be faster and cheaper.
This is a factor in the so-called Ethereum Flippening (Great Reversal), in which the number of transactions involving its ETH cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain is exceeded by the number of transactions based on Ethereum's ERC20 token.
It symbolizes that the usefulness of Ethereum as a dapp platform is growing.
Ironically, this demonstration also had a ripple effect, increasing the number of daily transactions, making the network unable to cope with peak demand.
This was most evident in the launch of the high-risk gambling dapp FairWin in September. FairWin carried out a spam-like attack on the network within a few weeks until its smart contracts were exhausted, after which the gas cost of Ethereum more than doubled.

Fortunately, this has not reduced the activity of all dapp categories, but it does highlight the long-term discussed issues. These issues involve the logic of running applications on the general blockchain. In this logic, a few high-value transactions are associated with many Low-value transactions compete for limited resources.
Of course, the increase in fuel prices in September did not seem to affect DeFi and exchange dapps, but the overall activity of gaming and gambling dapps fell sharply.
Ethereum dapps: users However, when considering the activities of the entire Ethereum dapp ecosystem, these problems proved to be minor issues compared to the overall high optimism.
Overall data shows that as of mid-December, the number of active wallets interacting daily on all Ethereum dapps has increased by 118% to more than 19,000.
This growth was most significant in the first half of 2019. It is particularly worth mentioning that the rise in the price of ETH has promoted the trading activities of exchange dapps, and the total trading volume on May reached a peak of nearly 20,000. The increase in fuel prices in September caused daily activity to drop below 9,000, but then rebounded, reaching a new high of over 22,500 in early December.

This increase was mainly driven by the growth of blockchain games. Despite being hit hard by fuel prices in September, the game industry still showed a strong upward trend throughout the year, with an overall increase of 123%.
In this growth situation, the game developer Double Jump.Tokyo launched My Crypto Heroes (My Crypto Heroes), due to the launch of the monthly VIP Prime subscription (price is 0.1 ETH per month), its user base from January The hundreds of players increased to more than 3,500 in December.
It is by far the most popular Ethereum dapp in 2019, and the only dapp in all categories with more than 1,000 daily active wallet users.

Judging from the main dapp categories of Ethereum in 2019, the breakdown is as follows:
· Games and markets accounted for 50% of total daily activities, an increase of 195%
· Gambling and high-risk dapps accounted for 22% of activity, an increase of 78%
· Exchange accounts for 20%, an increase of 26%
· DeFi accounted for 6%, an increase of 529%
Ethereum dapps: Value As mentioned earlier, although user activity is an important indicator, it is not the only criterion.
Measuring the number of tokens interacting with smart contracts running on Ethereum helps to highlight the importance of Ethereum as a network for storing and creating digital currency and financial value.
DappRadar has been tracking the number of ETH cryptocurrencies, but as the dapp ecosystem matures in 2019, it is clear that ERC20 tokens (not ETH) account for most of the value of Ethereum.
Therefore, in the middle of the year, DappRadar began to track the entire process of the value of all alternative tokens through Ethereum smart contracts.
This is the first time we have shown these data, and these data have also corrected our previous lack of understanding of the Ethereum dapp ecosystem.
In 2019, the total value of all dapp tokens in Ethereum was US$1.8 billion, an increase of 202% in US dollar value.
However, during the period when DappRadar was tracking ERC20 tokens (starting on June 1, 2019), the total value of such activities was US$7.2 billion, an increase of 166% during this period.
Taken together, the total value of the entire Ethereum ecosystem ETH and ERC20 tokens for half a year is 6.9 billion US dollars.
On this basis, the total value created by the Ethereum dapp ecosystem in 2019 exceeds US$10 billion.

The total value of this half-year is divided into categories as follows:
· Exchanges accounted for 50% of the total value, down 40%
· DeFi accounted for 45% of total value, an increase of nearly 1,990%
· Gambling and high risk accounted for 3% of the total value, a decrease of 71%
· Games and markets are less than 1% of the total value, an increase of 87%
It can be seen from this that DeFi has once again become the most prominent category and has experienced amazing growth. The daily transaction volume of this category has increased from about 2.5 million US dollars to nearly 50 million US dollars.
DeFi Ethereum's DeFi classification has caused many news reports. Obviously, this category is one of the main trends in 2019. But the important point is to delve into the details of this category and determine what actually happened (and did not happen).
The first thing to consider is the user base.
Starting in 2019, DeFi, as a small element in the Ethereum dapp ecosystem, has an independent daily active wallet; MakerDAO uses more than 100 wallets on average every day, while Compound has about 50.
In fact, throughout 2019, the daily visit volume of DeFi dapp exceeded 1,000 in only two days. On November 18th and 19th, MakerDAO officially launched multi-collateralization.
More precisely, in the second half of 2019, MakerDAO's average daily single transaction was about 250, Compound was about 400, and dYdX was about 175.
Obviously, even in the context of blockchain, these products have not yet attracted a large number of users.

It is worth noting that because they are interrelated products, the so-called DeFi stack, it is impossible to add the individual totals of these three dapps, and cannot provide a reliable estimate of the total number of DeFi viewers. According to DappRadar's judgment, each "unique wallet" is unique only on the basis of each dapp.
Most MakerDAO users will interact with Compound or dYdX. This correlation is obvious, because daily peaks of activity often appear on three dapps at the same time.
For example, users use MakerDAO to mortgage ETH into DAI, and then usually lend DAI to Compound through interfaces such as InstaDapp and Zerion, and perform margin trading on dYdX.
Looking at the data, it is obvious that at the end of 2019, more people used dapps than at the beginning of the year.
The launch of multi-collateral DAI generated a lot of response on MakerDAO. Compound's situation is more complicated. The strong growth in July and August stabilized, and fell back at the end of the year. This may be the result of a combination of lower interest rates and increased competition.

Similarly, after the launch of dYdX in April 2019, the daily order volume has steadily increased, reaching about 150 in August, and falling to about 100 in December.
Therefore, despite more and more resources being invested in these products, DeFi dapps are still reserved for a small number of highly educated and high-value cryptocurrency investors.
In terms of the daily value of this type of dapp, it was not particularly good until November 2019. As the main engine of all DeFi activities, MakerDAO's regular peaks drive a wide range of activities, but it wasn't until the launch of multi-collateral DAI that it attracted attention.

Of course, considering that MakerDAO is designed to create DAI stablecoins through ETH mortgages, by using MKR tokens to repay the original DAI loan and the interest owed, the recorded value flow can be bidirectional.
There is no doubt that the introduction of multi-collateral DAI has prompted many users to close existing loans and generate new loans.
Similarly, when we look at other DeFi dapps, such as Compound and dYdX, the position of the DeFi explosion year in 2019 becomes more subtle. With the launch of multi-collateral DAI, the daily users and total value of these two dapps have both declined.

In this context, how the DeFi category will evolve in 2020, whether it is the overall influence of MakerDAO or whether a new generation of products can expand the user base from the current hundreds to thousands, is still a mystery.
Games and markets As far as dapps are tracked, games and markets are the most popular in addition to being the largest category on Ethereum.
This is due in part to the early success of games such as CryptoKitties, plus game developers' inherent interest in trying to make the most of any new technology.
In fact, the Ethereum gaming ecosystem is still very active, with dozens of new games released in 2019, and games like Axie Infinity (fantasy creatures) and Blockchain Cuties will also usher in their first anniversary. They have With passionate and growing loyal fans.
In 2019, as the competitive advantages of blockchains such as EOS and TRON gradually disappeared, Ethereum consolidated its main position in the field of blockchain games.

Of course, when we talk about games on Ethereum, in most cases, we are not talking about the entire game running on the blockchain. What's more, developers use Ethereum to acquire and trade the ownership of irreplaceable tokens such as items and characters in the game.
Therefore, in this report, we have created a combined category that includes games and markets. Most activities in markets such as OpenSea revolve around the trading of game items. Especially CryptoKitties, My Crypto Heroes and Gods Unchained.
However, this user activity is not reflected in monetization, and few games run their own ERC20 tokens.
The most appropriate example is the trading card game Gods Unchained.
Although all the media are reporting that it sold the Gods Unchained Genesis card in 12 months, and the $6 million raised in the process is a huge success, it is comparable to the value created by other dapp categories. Than, this is not much.
Compared with DeFi dapps, decentralized exchanges (or DEXes) are relatively simple. People use them to trade tokens.
The popularity of most exchanges is highly correlated with the price of tokens, so it is not surprising that transactions on the most popular exchanges peaked in early July when the price of ETH soared above $300.
Similarly, as the price of ETH has fallen for the rest of 2019, the daily activities of traditional exchanges like IDEX have also fallen.
Of course, this is not the entire content of this category, as new and completely different products such as Kyber and Uniswap have attracted more audiences.
As of 2019, Kyber has become the most popular “exchange” with more than 600 wallets daily.
After intercepting 30-day user data on each exchange, and then taking the average of these 30-day users, we can find that Kyber is particularly popular with users.

The data in the figure shows that when considering the daily value attracted by each exchange, IDEX is clearly surpassed by Kyber and Uniswap.
In addition, Kyber and Uniswap can be regarded as part of the emerging exchange category that "cooperates well" with DeFidapps. It can even be said that Uniswap's liquidity characteristics mean that it should be classified as a DeFi dapp.

However, considering the performance of Ethereum exchange dapps in 2019, Oasis Trade is an unavoidable role.
In the first half of this year, it was called Eth2dai. It only allowed transactions between ETH and DAI and was part of MakerDAO's own DeFi stack.
Later, it was renamed Oasis Trade and restarted on November 18th, becoming a dapp for creating multi-collateral DAI, effectively replacing the original MakerDAO dapp. Because it retains trading functions, it is still in the exchange category.
This again highlights the blurring of lines between these two categories, which will only become more apparent in 2020.
It is worth emphasizing that although its daily active users are less than 100, during 2019, OasisTrade accounted for most of the exchange category value.
For most of 2019, its daily value also exceeded the original MakerDAO dapp.
For these reasons, it is best to view Ethereum's performance in 2019 as the average between the decline of traditional decentralized transactions and the rise of DeFi-related transaction dapps.
Gambling and high-risk Although Ethereum is the first blockchain available for gambling dapps and high-risk dapps, it is clear that Ethereum is not the best platform for such activities.
This is partly due to the slow block time of Ethereum, and partly due to the gas fee charged for every transaction in Ethereum.
If Ethereum is still the only smart contract blockchain available, then developers of gambling dapps will do better, but considering that EOS and TRON are easier to develop for such dapps, this category will be in 2019 During the year, there was a decline in Ethereum.
Another problem that makes this category difficult to describe is that, unlike other categories, the development of gambling and high-risk dapps is not very coherent. Especially in high-risk situations, dapp users rose rapidly, attracted people's attention, and then suddenly declined. The current high-risk dapp Hex is a good example. This makes it difficult to find similarities in the trends of such dapps.
Finally, as people often mentioned, gambling Dapps usually generate a lot of robot traffic. Although DappRadar actively filters out these, it is impossible to delete them all like other categories.
This is why the daily active wallets in these dapps look so strange. It is worth mentioning that has a daily activity of 1,000, and during the spike in fuel costs in September, the index fell to an average of less than 50 points.
More generally speaking, as new products are launched, the attractiveness increases, and then they are replaced by more attractive competitors. The cyclical rise and fall of this dapp is obvious.

This is why when we consider value, fuel costs play an important role.
From the beginning of July, the daily income of such dapps exceeded 2 million U.S. dollars, to less than 500,000 U.S. dollars by the beginning of August. It did not recover to this level until October, and then experienced a small peak of US$1 million per day in mid-November, before falling back again.

Ethereum Dapps: The conclusion can be seen that all expectations of Ethereum have not been fully realized in 2019, but some very good progress has been made.
However, even at this level, the successful deployment of the two hard forks, as well as symbolic events such as Flippening, have proved its growing maturity as a functional technology.
Ethereum as part of the dapps ecosystem in 2019 has been further developed while further consolidating this conclusion.
Despite strong competitors, Ethereum is still the most popular place to deploy dapps (excluding gambling and high-risk). Every dapp category on Ethereum has strong growth in daily activity and daily value.
The most notable success was in the DeFi category, which, although the number of users in this category is still small, has seen an amazing increase in the value of secured assets.
This trend is partly reflected in the exchange category, where the good cooperation between exchange dapps and DeFi dapps has brought strong growth. However, traditional decentralized exchanges failed to take advantage of this development.
Finally, the game and market categories have also seen strong growth in daily activities, although there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of acquiring a large number of users and transactions for existing products.
It is worth noting that, compared with the activities of DeFi and exchange dapps, such dapps currently operate on a transaction basis. Users purchase unique and irreplaceable items, while DeFi and exchange dapps are based on trading or exchange liquidity. Strong fungible tokens, so the price is much higher.
When plotting and comparing their daily user and value totals (each point represents a day), this difference between categories can be clearly shown.
· DeFi has the smallest user base but the highest value
· Exchanges are widely used, but daily trading volume is low
· Games/markets and gambling/high-risk daily activities are higher, but they generate lower transaction volume

3. EOS: From a full-year perspective, like most blockchains, EOS performed well at the beginning of 2019.
The price of its cryptocurrency has risen steadily, reaching a peak of $8.59 in early June.
Similarly, the daily activity of EOS dapps also increased during this period. At the beginning of June, the daily active independent wallets of all dapps reached a peak of 54,000.
However, since then, EOS has started to go downhill.
The price of EOS's cryptocurrency has steadily fallen back, only slightly above $2 at the end of the year.

EOS dapps: Potential vulnerabilities exploited by user EIDOS spam have long been controversial, although more abstract discussions about EOS governance model and lack of decentralization, especially discussions about the technical capabilities of its 21 block producers .
However, when the EIDOS token was launched in early November, the congestion caused by swallowing most of the blockchain resources quickly proved disastrous for the wider EOS dapp ecosystem. Most users holding a small amount of EOS cannot confirm their transactions, so they stop using EOS dapps.
This led to a cruel crash. In just a few days, the overall daily activity of the wallet dropped from 44,000 to 13,000 per day. Since then, dapp daily life has remained at this level.

However, even in the days before the congestion accident, something abnormal happened.
From October 2 to 3, the total number of daily active users of EOS dapp dropped to around 20,000, and then rebounded almost immediately.
In fact, the congestion process caused by EIDOS can be divided into two stages. On October 23, EOS's daily active wallets dropped from 44,000 to 20,000, then rose to 30,000 on October 30, and fell back to 13,000 when EIDOS was released on November 1. The reason for the decline in the final stage is not yet clear. However, when we took a closer look at which dapp categories were affected by the EIDOS token, a series of other problems arose.

Unlike Ethereum and TRON, which have a well-defined set of dapp categories, EOS's largest dapp category is the "other" category.
Of course, the categories of dapps on EOS are also quite rich, such as "games", "exchanges", "gambling", "high-risk" and "other" categories, but about half of the daily activities of dapps on EOS are through "Other" classes (such as ADM, ENBank and PRA CandyBox) are implemented.
This type of dapp gains more dapp users through airdrop tokens, so it tends to attract a lot of robots.
EOS dapps: According to the robot's design, all blockchains are susceptible to robot operations, but the level of this traffic depends on the specific design of each blockchain.
For example, although Ethereum's fuel fee does not eliminate robot traffic, it can effectively reduce robot traffic. The existence of fuel fee encourages people to use it only when it is ensured that the revenue generated by using robots is greater than the previous expenses. robot.
There is no fuel threshold for entrusted proof-of-stake blockchains like EOS and TRON, which means that once a wallet is created, the cost of operating a large robot network is very low. At present, DappRadar and other companies have done a lot of work to identify and filter such robot traffic, but it is almost impossible to completely filter out robot traffic. This provides a low-cost environment for operating robot traffic for users in different categories of EOS dapp.
Beginning on October 23, the congestion of dapp activities on EOS has had a certain impact on "gaming" dapps and "exchange" dapps, which dropped by 17% and 15%, respectively, but "gambling" and "high risk" categories Dapps dropped by 50%, and dapps in the "other" category dropped by 78%.
In the following days, the "exchange" and "gaming" categories returned to their original levels, but the "gambling" and "high risk" and "other" categories did not.

In fact, looking at dapp activities in these categories from the entire fourth quarter of 2019, you can see a clear and concise data graph.
The "Games" category actually dropped by only 16%, the "Exchange" dropped by 42%, but the "Gambling" and "High Risk" categories lost 61% of their visits, and the incredible drop in the "Other" category 92%.
There is a reason for the decline in the above data, because EIDOS acts like an increase in fuel costs in transactions on the EOS blockchain. If users (or developers) want to complete their transaction as soon as possible, they must increase the resources they are willing to spend to facilitate the smooth progress of the transaction.
Obviously, both financially and emotionally, users (or developers) are only prepared to purchase additional EOS when these experiences are valuable to them.
Under this circumstance, the active data of "gaming" dapps has maintained a good momentum, the active data of "exchange" dapps has dropped significantly, and the "gambling" category has been greatly reduced. Other airdrop activities have also been destroyed; especially, any The people who run the robot spend all their time and resources on EIDOS.
In this way, the congestion caused by the EIDOS token acts as a filter for robot traffic in the EOS dapp ecosystem.
Therefore, we need to reconsider the scope of the EOS dapp ecosystem, that is, the traffic of EOS dapp before the release of EIDOS is a combination of real traffic and robot traffic, and the traffic of EOS dapp after the release of EIDOS is data closer to the real traffic of EOS dapp.
This will reduce the peak of EOS in 2019 from 54,000 to 26,000 wallets, but will not have a significant impact on the total at the end of the year. It will also provide a more obvious view of the continued potential of EOS as a vibrant dapp ecosystem. Advantage.
In fact, relatively speaking, compared with the 48% decline in the daily activity of all EOS dapps we quoted in 2019, the post-EIDOS filtering model has produced a small increase of 8% in daily activity.

EOS dapps: When users talk about the main dapps that run on EOS, it's surprising that despite the large scale of the “gambling” and “high-risk” categories in terms of overall activity, there is no single “gambling” Dapp-like daily activity data is very high.
On the contrary, as a whole (excluding ADM, ENBank and PRA CandyBox dapp), the most popular EOS dapps are the games EOS Dynasty (EOS Three Kingdoms), EOSKnights (EOS Knights) and Prospectors (Wildland Gold Rush) and Newdex Exchange.

Judging from the entire 2019 activities, it can be clearly seen that the EOS Knights showed a short-term upward trend followed by a long-term downward trend.
In March of this year, the daily active wallet of this game reached a peak of 6,900, and then the number of game users steadily declined until the congestion of EIDOS greatly reduced the users of this game. By the end of 2019, the game had about 300 daily active users.
The specific reasons are not clear, but may include fewer in-game rewards, lack of long-term gameplay, and active filtering of robots by game developers.
It is worth pointing out that during this period, the updated version of this game, Knight Story, was released on Ethereum and will be released on TRON and other blockchains in 2020.
In this case, Knight Story may be seen as a part of the disengagement of the EOS dapp community, and EIDOS congestion undoubtedly accelerated this disengagement.
In addition, although Prospectors recently launched a version of the game using EOS.IO SDK on the WAX ​​blockchain. However, EOS Dynasty (EOS Three Kingdoms) and Prospectors (Wildland Gold Rush) were both launched in 2019, and continue to maintain the data of more than 3,000 daily wallets. Similarly, since its launch in June, the Newdex exchange has maintained more than 1,000 daily wallets. The data.
EOS dapps: The value is the same as Ethereum. In 2019, DappRadar realized the importance of tracking the flow of EOS cryptocurrency and other EOS-based tokens to provide a more comprehensive trend chart.
This tracking started on June 1st, initially through the EOS exchange (especially Newdex), the tracking showed a very important token value-sometimes more than 200 million US dollars / day.
However, this data proved to be only a temporary impact. By the end of 2019, the total daily value of tokens in the EOS dapp ecosystem was only millions of dollars, most of which were generated by EOS, not secondary tokens.
In fact, in the past year, the daily value of the EOS-dapp ecosystem (calculated by daily input) has fallen by 92%. This is another worrying sign that the bad condition of the EOS-dapp ecosystem will Continue until 2020.

EOS dapps: Conclusion From all aspects, 2019 is a very difficult year for the EOS dapp ecosystem.
It lost a large number of users, reduced the amount of expensive transactions, and the network congestion caused by the EIDOS token is still continuing, and there seems to be no quick fix available.
Given that EOS-based competitors, such as the WAX ​​blockchain (WAX blockchain), have attracted many EOS dapp transformations, it seems that the EOS situation in 2020 will only become more difficult.
In particular, subdividing the dapp category into their daily users: value component (each data point is a day), it is obvious that although EOS has users, only the "exchange" type of dapp can generate considerable value.
Similarly, despite some successful products, overall, the "game" category is not as popular as it is on Ethereum. Moreover, although the "gambling and high-risk" category is popular, it generates less value than TRON.

4. TRON: From the perspective of the whole year, whether it is at the level of agreement, public relations or dapp, 2019 can be divided into two stages for TRON.
The price of TRX cryptocurrency peaked in early June and late June due to its founder Justin Sun's high-profile bid of US$4.6 million for a charity lunch with legendary investor Warren Buffett.
Before that, in April, the total number of daily active wallets interacting with TRON dapp reached a peak of over 30,000. So far, the development of the situation is very good for TRON.
However, when the lunch date was cancelled, the activity of the TRON dapp ecosystem has dropped to more than 10,000 wallets per day, although it rebounded with an average of 18,500 at the end of the year; it has increased by 82% since the beginning of January.
However, the price of TRX did not rebound and dropped by 26%.

What's more important is the decline in the value of TRX delivered through gambling and high-risk dapps mainly running on TRON.
Similarly, this year's peak was on March 16, reaching an impressive US$100 million, but by December, the average daily total was well below US$10 million. During this year, the daily total dropped by 75%.

TRON dapps: Users. However, for TRON's vision of a mature dapp ecosystem, the biggest problem may be its failure to expand its business beyond gambling and high-risk dapps.
Ninety percent of TRON's audience interacts with "gambling" dapps, 10% of users interact with "exchange" dapps, and 0.1% of users interact with "games" dapps.
This shows that, with the exception of the TronWatch Market exchange, the top five dapps in TRON's daily activities in 2019 all belong to the “gambling” and “high-risk” categories.
Even in this context, TRON's most popular dapp-TRONBET (re-launched and renamed WINk in 2019) reached its peak in late June, with daily active wallets reaching 4,000 and dropping to less than 2,000 by mid-December.

This is not to say that the developers did not try to launch other types of dapps on TRON. In fact, many games have been released, but like other types of dapps, it is easy to release on TRON, but it is difficult to maintain an audience.


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Should dApp developers worry about the risks of ETH 2.0?

In all the publicity about ETH 2.0, there are some reasons that developers may be worried. The project has a long-term development timetable, and full implementation may still take more than two years. Even so, after many delays so far, it still seems uncertain. At the same time, the second layer solution is touted as a fix for Ethereum's documented scalability platform. In early June, Vitalik Buterin tweeted that the layer 2 solution was “essentially successful” and only for people involved in projects where the use of the platform contradicted his claims. Could the ETH 2.0 transition lead to the decentralization of Ethereum? Vitalik Buterin can hardly be blamed for trying to succeed for Ethereum. However, from the developer's point of view, it is far from reassuring to hear that the short-term solution of Ethereum's scalability has not yet achieved the desired effect, and the long-term solution is not yet ready for implementation. Now, the latest news seems to be that eve


SOL、PRQ和AVA的價格飆升,此前一個關鍵的交易指標顯示,“Alteason”已經到來, BTC升至52,000美元 。 隨著比特幣價格上漲至52,000美元ALTCOIN手錶,這3枚替代幣大幅上漲。 更廣泛的加密貨幣市場在9月9日顯示出走強的跡象。 6比特幣多頭在51,500美元水平上爭奪控制權。 替代幣受益於比特幣的強勁表現,許多比特幣的漲幅超過20%,台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的Alteason指標繼續表明,市場狀況正在向替代幣進一步上漲的方向傾斜。 24小時價格變化最大的7枚硬幣。 來源:台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro和TradingView的數據顯示,過去24小時內漲幅最大的是綠洲網絡的ROSE、Parsiq的PRQ和Travala的AVA。 綠洲網絡與API3合作。 綠洲網絡是一種區塊鏈協議,具有隱私增強功能,為開放金融和負責任的數據管理創建了一個安全平台。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的VORTECS™得分數據在9月9日開始檢測到玫瑰的看漲前景。 1,在最近的價格上漲之前。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH獨有的VORTECS™評分是對歷史和當前市場狀況的算法比較,這些數據來自一系列數據點,包括市場情緒、成交量、最近的價格走勢和推特活動。 VORTECS™得分(綠色)VS玫瑰價格。 來源:台灣 買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro。 如上圖所示,玫瑰的VORTECS™得分在9月9日攀升至果嶺。 1,並達到76的高點,大約82個小時後,它的價格在接下來的兩天裡飆升了135%。 玫瑰價格的突然上漲發生在9月1日之後。 3宣布,該項目已經與API3合作,並將共同發起一項贈款計劃,供希望構建Rust版本的協議Airnode服務的開發團隊使用。 Parsiq引入了訂閱模型。 基於區塊鏈的分析平台Parsiq在過去24小時內看到其PRQ Token的價格上漲了51%。 台灣買USDT /BTC /ETH Markets Pro的VORTECS™得分數據在9月9日開始檢測到PRQ的看漲前景。 5,在最近的價格上漲之前。 VORTECS™分數(綠色)與PRQ價格。 來源:台灣買USDT /B