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DAppTotal Weekly Ranking: Hash Baby is sending a wave of spring, DApp urgently needs new traffic influx _ Issue 10

Foreword: The ranking list of DApp Ecological Week is produced by DAppTotal, the world's leading DApp data service platform. It aims to summarize the latest data of the DApp ecosystem and help practitioners gain a glimpse of DApps.

 The status quo of ecological development. This list spans the three public chains of ETH, EOS, and TRON, presents data from three dimensions of active users on the 7th, transaction volume on the 7th, and transaction volume on the 7th, and ranks with the number of users as the core dimension.
At the time of data collection, there were a total of 2,516 DApps on the three major public chains: 1792 ETH, 460 EOS, 264 TRON
 One. Overall, in the past week, a comprehensive comparison of the DApp ecology of the three public chains of ETH, EOS, and TRON found that:
Total number of users (a): EOS(131,856)> TRON(89,236)> ETH(29,601);
Total number of transactions (transactions): EOS(18,476,649)> TRON(13,504,310)> ETH(358,623);
Total transaction volume (USD): TRON(342,747,217)> EOS(106,922,649)> ETH(21,094,578);
Across three public chains:
TOP3 DApps by user volume are: Endless Game (EOS), EOSABC (EOS), BingoBet (EOS);
According to the number of transactions, TOP3 DApps are 888Tron (TRON), TRONbet (TRON), Dice (EOS);
TOP3 DApps by transaction volume are: 888Tron (TRON), TRONbet (TRON), Poker EOS (EOS).

Overall: In the past week, the number of active users of the three-net DApp declined slightly, but it was not obvious compared to last week. However, more prominently, TRON DApp
 The 7-day transaction volume data of TRON DApp after a few consecutive days of rapid increase, the total transaction volume of TRON DApp last week was 342 million US dollars.
 About three times the total transaction volume, the data is particularly eye-catching, but this is mainly due to a DApp 888Tron within the TRON DApp ecosystem.
 Amazing performance on the data. In the overall ranking, 888Tron's transaction volume ranks first, far ahead of other DApps.
It is worth mentioning that the official TRON DApp has fully integrated DAppTotal data to show the full picture of the TRON DApp ecological data. In the weekly TRON official DApp
 It will be reflected in the weekly report, so please pay attention.
In addition, the number of EOS mainnet accounts exceeded 800,000, and it has only been about one month since the last break of 700,000 accounts, indicating that the ecosystem has further developed steadily. This is because EOS is in DApp
 Ecological accumulation continues. In the past month, 85 EOS DApps were added, and the number of single-day active users also reached a record high on March 07.
In addition, a recently popular DApp Hash Baby appeared on the EOS DApp list this week. Its 7-day user volume was 12,700 and the transaction volume was 254,120. Last week, EOS
 Ranked 5th in the DApp list, it has attracted much attention because it is positioned as an erotic DApp based on the blockchain. Despite the impressive data, the DApp
 Whether the emergence of the application is a malicious spoiler or an innovative breakthrough is still unknown, but it is not known, but it is certain that the EOS DApp urgently needs the emergence of DApps other than the guessing game to attract more new traffic influx.
ETH DApp list:

Looking at the weekly ranking of ETH, it is found that the overall user volume, transaction volume, and transaction volume data of ETH DApp have not changed significantly from last week, and the top ranking is still IDEX
 Wait for the exchange. For several weeks, the game category DApp CryptoKitties, BlockChainCutles
 The rankings are not stable. Active users on the 7th are hovering around 1,000, and no significant growth is seen in the short term.
EOS DApp list:

Looking at the weekly ranking of EOS, it is found that the top 10 EOS DApps are mainly quiz DApps. The overall ranking has changed a lot from last week, but the main one is Endless.
 Game, EOSABC, EosKnights, Bethash and other games. EOSABC ranked 8th last week
 This week, it ranked second with 28,266 users, but its true proportion has also dropped from 74% last week to 55%. Endless Game ranked number one
 The number of active users on the 7th day has decreased compared to last week, but its true proportion has increased by 10%. For other DApps that do not have fake volume, the overall ranking ranking does not change much every week, such as ENBank
 Wait. This also shows from the side that the current new traffic in the DApp ecosystem is obviously insufficient, and the influx of fresh traffic is urgently needed to stimulate ecological development. So, it's not difficult for us to understand why an alternative Hash Baby
 Can arouse so much attention.
TRON DApp list:

Looking at the weekly rankings of TRON, it is found that the top DAPPs on the TRON public chain are mainly TRON HI-LO and
 Etc., the number of users on the 7th has stabilized at around 10,000 for a long time. However, the transaction volume and transaction value of TRON DApp are extremely unstable. Last week, TRON DApp
 The transaction volume reached 342 million U.S. dollars. This data not only refreshed the transaction volume of TRON DApp, but also close to the historical EOS
 Data from the peak of DApp. However, the main cause of this boom is the 888Tron
 According to the amazing data of DApp, in the past week, its number of active users increased by only 54.34%, but its transaction volume increased by 1,830.99%. However, the authenticity behind the data is open to question. The past day
 888TRON's transaction volume plummeted by 98.28%. Affected by this, the overall transaction volume data of TRON DApp also plummeted.

Conclusion: This list only changes from objective data, and horizontally compares the development of the three public chains. It is only used as a data reference for judging the ecological development status of each public chain, not as an investment basis. Investors are requested to participate cautiously.


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