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DAPP token is suddenly popular in the community? 4 reasons to reveal the secret behind the explosion...

In recent days, the daily trading volume of the token issued by LiquidApps on Newdex has reached 10,000 EOS.
 Although this is insignificant compared to the trading volume of many other mainstream digital currencies, the daily trading volume, which has increased by nearly 10 times, also sends an encouraging signal:
More and more people agree that what LiquidApps is doing is very meaningful;
More and more people join the DAPP network through DAPP tokens;
What's more, more and more people get income by staking DAPP tokens...
The relationship between DAPP token holders and the DAPP network can be described as complementary:
 With more people holding DAPP tokens, the DAPP network will become more prosperous, providing more high-quality, efficient and convenient development services; DAPP becoming more prosperous will also allow DAPP token holders to gain more rights and interests.
 No! wrong!
 As the only key to open the DAPP network world, hold and mortgage DAPP tokens, you will get a lot of rights and interests.
 Today in this article, we will introduce you in detail: 4 reasons to hold and pledge DAPP tokens.
How to get income from staking DAPP tokens
There is a role named "DSP" in the DAPP network:
DSP, also known as service provider, can provide developers with a variety of practical development services, including but not limited to vRAM, LiquidAccounts, LiquidOracles, LiquidDNS, etc.
For developers:
These services provided by DSP are clearly priced, but developers who want to use these services do not need to spend real money to buy them, but only need to pledge DAPP tokens to DSP.
On the other hand, DSP will receive a portion of DAPP tokens as a return and reward. This part of the reward comes from inflation. The rate of inflation is proportional to the sum of DAPP tokens that users have invested in their service packages.

which is:
The more people use DSP services
The more DSP DAPP tokens are mortgaged
The higher the inflation rate
The more DAPP token rewards DSP gets.
This mechanism is equivalent to EOS node voting:
Stake DAPP tokens to DSP = vote for nodes
The more votes an EOS node gets, the more node rewards it receives. Similarly, the more people who pledge DAPP tokens to DSP, the higher the inflation gains DSP will receive
For ordinary users:
You can pledge your DAPP tokens to the DSPs you support, and these DSPs will use a portion of the inflation rewards received as dividends to their supporters.
This concept is similar to a mining pool:
You delegate the voting rights of EOS to the mining pool. After the mining pool gets a higher node ranking and also obtains a higher income, a part of it will be used as a dividend.
You can also rent your DAPP to developers and teams on third-party rental markets and platforms to obtain rental income. This concept is similar to REX.
4 reasons to hold and pledge DAPP tokens
After understanding the operating mechanism, we now come to discuss now: Why should you participate in staking DAPP tokens?
First: Clear rights and interests between DSP and supporters
The most successful aspects of DAPP network and DAPP token design are:
We have found a way to configure the network. Users can not only pursue their own interests in a fair, just, and transparent way to maximize their interests. This pursuit process ensures the good operation of the ecosystem and at the same time promotes the prosperity and development of the DAPP network.
Whenever a user pledges DAPP tokens to the DSP, the service level agreement (SLA) between the two parties and the DSP transaction information for subsequent services will be kept on the chain.
If the service provider fails to meet the agreed standards, users have the right to cancel their token mortgage through simple operations.
DSPs that have lost user token collateral will also face the risk of missing inflation gains.
As a DAPP holder, you are not just a bystander.
By purchasing a DSP service package, you can enhance the responsibility system and service quality, and ultimately make the DAPP network develop better and better.
Second: You can support your favorite team through the rental market
Developers need network resources (such as storage, computing and memory, etc.) to build and operate smart contracts.
However, the resources on the public blockchain are scarce, and some developers do not have enough resources to maintain their dApps.
Based on this, the replacement resource cost of the DAPP network is not only low, but the resource leasing market allows developers to access the resource pool provided by the DAPP network community in a "pay-as-you-go" mode in exchange for a fixed fee, thereby improving the efficiency of resource allocation.
As a member of the community, you can also put your DAPP tokens in the rental market to expand the DAPP network resource pool and support your favorite development team.
A few months ago, Blockstart launched the rental market for the first time.

Since then, Chintai has also joined the ranks, and they are running their DAPP rental platform on the Kylin testnet.
It is worth mentioning that the DAPP network can be launched on multiple chains, and users can potentially invest in developers on other chains.
At present, Telos and Wax have integrated the DAPP network, which means that the utility of DAPP tokens is no longer limited to a single chain.
Third: start your own LiquidChain
If you have a need to create your own chain, LiquidChains can provide you with customized services (click the picture below to see details).

LiquidChain use cases include:
Enterprise blockchain:
Public chains have the advantages of improving transparency and interoperability, but they perform poorly in terms of privacy, reliability and reducing resource costs; although private chains are highly private, they lack real-time auditability and cannot be compared with public blockchains. Interact with other applications on the Internet.
 LiquidChains can not only connect public chains, consortium chains and private chains, and take into account the advantages of the three chains, but also the operation is simple and convenient, even technical novices can quickly get started.
Distributed computing project:
With support, distributed computing projects can gather the idle computing power of many people's mobile phones and computers.
These computing powers condense together to form a huge data processing capacity, helping to solve many development and even life difficulties.
Application-specific shards:
Sharding is a scaling technology that splits a single blockchain into many smaller shards, each shard handles its own activities, while maintaining connections with other shards and the "main chain".
dApps, especially DeFi dApps, can use sharding to create an application-specific LiquidChain for them, which will run in parallel with the "main chain" and connect to it when needed.
By utilizing the DAPP network service running on the LiquidChain, the dApp can offload storage, calculation, data and other tasks to its LiquidChain, and use the main chain as a lightweight method of recording state.
Whether you want to run custom shards for dApps or create distributed computing projects like CoVax, DAPP tokens are the key to your realization.
Fourth: Support CoVax's efforts against COVID-19
As the first project to enable LiquidChain, CoVax is a community project that aims to combat COVID-19 by creating a pool of computing resources for scientific computing (click the image below to see details).

Researchers, especially those engaged in vaccine research, require a lot of computing power to perform tasks such as molecular structure simulation, protein folding, and AI modeling.
These tasks are critical to understanding how viruses spread, evolve and mutate, and to help discover effective treatments to stop their spread.
CoVax will allow anyone to donate computing power from their mobile phone, desktop or GPU to the shared resource pool, thereby helping medical workers obtain more data to develop vaccines and fight viruses.
Many DSPs voluntarily join CoVax and help run the infrastructure for free. Without them, CoVax will not work.
LiquidApps plans to put DAPP tokens into CoVax work.

In the spirit of mutual responsibility, community members can invest DAPP tokens into CoVax DSP to show their support for the excellent work they are doing.
Join us now, enjoy the rights now
I believe that after reading this article today, you will have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of DAPP tokens:
Staking DAPP tokens can not only gain income, but also do something meaningful for the development of the blockchain industry.
Because the pledge of DAPP tokens can promote the prosperity and stability of the DAPP network. The services provided by the DAPP network help solve various problems in dApp development and help the large-scale revival of the dApp economy.
Moreover, because many high-quality DSPs provide a seamless user interface, the operation of users to mortgage DAPP tokens has become extremely simple.
Everyone can become an active participant on the DAPP network. Join in now!
If you have other questions or want to know more, you can also add the LiquidApps China Community Manager to get the most detailed answers, the most patient service, and the most comprehensive answers.


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